Fishing Apprenticeship?

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Fishing Apprenticeship?

Post by TomD »

Hey everyone!
My names Tom and I'm from Northern California .I am Twenty-Eight and I have a small family including my Lady our kids ,a son(7yr) and Daughter(6Month).We are thinking of relocating To Alaska.It all around seems like the best choice for us all to make. I have bin doing a lot of researching on this or that the do's and don'ts the where and where not's.Its a big step but I think will be worth it in the long run for everyone. I am a member to and talk on two other forums and a few people sent me along this way to and said a lot of people on here are really great! So after talking to a lot of really great people I figured I would post this and hopefully get more information.

At first I plan to head up for work, get a feel for things then bring the rest up.I have had a lot of different jobs ,doing a lot of different things. Some indoor some outdoor Some payed ALOT NOT payed;) . I come from a woodworking family (spent a few years in a Cabinet shop).I have lived in a major city and am VERY street smart and I spent 11 years on a Dairy farm .My plan is to leave here at the end of April beginning of May (or earlier )and head up to SE Alaska.My goal is to join the Fishing Industry.I figured I would get a job at a Processing plant and work my way up from there at first . BUT it wasn't until recently until I learned that I didn't have to know "Somebody" or be the Best friend of the Captain's Son to get a job on a boat.(nothing against nobody, everyone needs a chance) So I think I will just try and go for what I want to be apart of . I am really interest in Trolling it seems great. (But I know nothing about anything lol ). I would like to learn. I want to continue the tradition of fishing and be apart of something great. I didn't go to the Military and I don't have a Collage degree It takes a lot more to show someone’s self worth.I am very quick on my toes and have a brain I know how to use :D .

I am not asking for a job offer (but would love any information or tips) or looking for a handout .I have talked to a few people already and they are very helpful. Nor do I want someone to tell me to find a new dream lol . I really want to give it a shot and have nothing but myself holding me back. I am alcohol and drug free and healthy as can be. I have a good head on my shoulders and I am very respectful and trustworthy . I have given every job I have had my all, always (usually until the company went out of business :lol: ). And will continue. Now more than ever having a small family to take care of is a good time to start this.

I am looking for more than a "Summer job" or some "extra cash" . I don't only want to work a one month fishery and have to call it a year. I would really like to become someone's fishing apprentice....? I think that's the term I am looking for :lol: I want to learn from someone who is willing to teach me there way. I am not "Trained" So I can me molded HOPEFULLY the right way. Good idea? Any info would greatly help me out .

If anyone could lead me in the right direction or give me any advice I would be very grateful. I will continue to keep everyone posted on my progress and hopefully everything will work out ;) Thank you all very much and hope to here from ANYONE soon!
I am sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

Tom from California
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Re: Fishing Apprenticeship?

Post by TomD »

Hey everyone!

Well I just wanted to let everyone know whats going on with me.

It looks like I will be leaving California on the 1st of May and head up to Washington. I will catch the Ferry leaving that Friday the 18th and arrive in Sitka a few days later! I will be "Walking the docks" with my Backpack ready to work ! Hopefully I can do some work around the docks and help out before the season starts! The early'r I get there the better !

I am a good hard working guy and it will not take me long to find a great crew to work with! I have posted on many forums and have got a lot of feed back and will be meeting some new friends when I get up there . Seeing how Sitka is where I want to end up that is why I have bin posting on

Thank you everyone who has helped me out with all the info and if your in need of someone to fill a spot keep an eye out for me !

Last edited by TomD on Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fishing Apprenticeship?

Post by TomD »

Hey everyone !
I hope all is well with everyone and everyone is in good health
I wanted to share a link to my Blog page for my friends and family to keep an eye out for what I am up to and my progress this year!
please check it out and say hello sometime !

Tom D Jr
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